what do we all have that needs a friend?
Clue; About
to die and vomiting blood, on a trolly, a lump of throbbing formed
material meat, blood mucus shit dazed, confused, conscious; noticing; Bright room;
light bright green walls; bright White cupboards; A running out of clocK(!) tic
toc sloWly and leSs; cylinDersJarswiresTubespaPerworkEyes speaking mouths.
Trolly moves; storming slam as doors open all go to shove and push and stop sharP!! Body Bench Germ ' 2 3 GO!' body repositioned, eyes speaking, mouths focus hungry for action. dazed, confused and needle and finger pressure
wind pipe, breath, out, gone .... black empty white shapeless shaped
light, screaming quiet, buzzing, crying dry, a nothing makes sense and all
dazed and confused and gone with; baggage heavy and a "why mE I'M sorr". sharp
light sharp piercing high pitch light. lots of baggage too heavy for the light
burdened (from where?) material choking desire; "fix me with anot....!!!". empty and forgetting, till; 'it
could be back on guys’. body blue blood blue, stitching fingers needle and
thread. Organs pickled rotten, dead and removed, bucket to the side now full. Still stuck
still, stuck! Stuck in the timeless mud of "give me more of what you got? I don't want your junk mail?" Speed is the time now with; sparks and volts high
shouts applaud; 'hahah ok job done' 'you’re a genius Miller!!..'. the light comes on
inside, inside the throbbing lump of material burdened choking meat; stitched
up, beating heart, lungs filled with container air. ‘THelightINside Si my on tHe itS insIdeliGht’... It lives ‘it lives, 2 hours and 15 minutes not bad’. Pills
snoozed off, dozy and dazed. Eyes open, grateful heart., smiling, confused and smiling; "Success".....
T,W., The Inner Game of Tennis (London, Pan Books, 1975)
R & Burton, K., Neuro-Lingusitic Programming for Dummies (Hoboken, Wiley,
W & Guanhua., Relax and Calming Qigong (Hai Feng Publishing Co, LTD, 1992)
A., The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (Random House
Inc, 2011)
Are you telling about your many near death experiences?
ReplyDeleteI'm really am dazed and confused
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I'm doing
I read it again, I find it compelling, even if I'd gone through what you have I could not have written it down, it's like a crazy dream that one try's to explain, but can't.. "Well done"