CBT and the Tao
Cognitive (what you think) Behavior (what you do) Therapy (what
you change) the Tao (flow)
CBT looks at five areas of life that make
you who you are;
- Environment
The environment is made up of people,
places and things - you are powerless over all three, at all times!
- Physical
Physical sensations are created by your
response to the environment, the people, the places, the things.
- Thoughts
There are two types of thinking, a) Healthy
Thinking b) Un-Healthy Thinking.
- Behavior
There are two types of behavior, a) Going
with the flow and b) not going with the flow
- Feelings
There are two types of feelings a) Peaceful
b) not Peaceful!
Here is the CBT model <Padesky and
Mooney, 1990>
Tip Top Tao
Feng Shui; The
Chinese way to improve the environment. There are lots of ideas on the
internet, ways to use Feng Shui to make your home feel energized, brighter,
with positive Chi energy, bringing good luck and fortune into your life.
There are lots of Chinese exercises born
from Taoist philosophy; Tai Chi, Chi Kung. Qi Gong, Kung Fu. The Essex Hung
Kuen Kung Fu association, based in Walthamstow, London, is a traditional
Chinese school with strict ethical and morally codes that guarantee the finest
and most respected teaching in Europe since the 1980s. Students come from all
over the world just to have a look, its incredible, magnificent.
(The trouble
you’ll find with authentic Chinese martial arts clubs is that they don’t or
won’t advertise, so anything you want to find out can be very difficult. Now we
have the Internet and excitable novices like me posting our discoveries, its
all become a bit more open. If you’re having difficulty and are desperate for
more local based recommendations contact the ‘Shaolin Way’ shop in China town
- Thinking (Bad?) Reflecting (Better!) Meditation (the Best!)
If you must think; Keep it simple! One thing at a time! First
things first! (a few 12 step quotes). Forget the past, its gone (grief), Forget
the Future, it hasn’t happened (worry). Thinking about your breathing is the
most powerful thought to thank. Criticizing, giving advice, interpreting?
Simply listen! Listen to yourself breathing deep. The Latin for breath is
Spiritus, something for you to reflect over.
Sexy people are Cool! Calm! Relaxed! They
Smile from the Heart, with the Eyes. That’s how sexy people behave! Your
- Feelings.
We deeply bury our feelings. We are taught
that feelings are bad, so we bury them and cover them up with sugar. All I can
say here is that there are NO WRONG OR BAD FEELINGS!!! There is an old saying
that I often hear when I go to group therapy sessions that always brings a
smile ‘the good news is, you’re going to get your feelings back and the bad
news is, you’re going to get your feelings back’.
You are in an environment, made up of people, places and things. You are powerless over all of these things. 12 step recovery programs recognize this and at the end of the meeting, everybody is asked to say a prayer to the God of their understanding;
You are in an environment, made up of people, places and things. You are powerless over all of these things. 12 step recovery programs recognize this and at the end of the meeting, everybody is asked to say a prayer to the God of their understanding;
‘God, grant me
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the
things I can and the wisdom to know the difference’
Padesky, C.A and Mooney, K.A. (1990)
‘Clinical tip: Presenting the cognitive model to clients’, International
Cognitive Therapy Newsletter, 6: 13-14.